Business Personal Property


                            January 2, 2024

Dear Property Owner:

Enclosed you will find the “Business Personal Property Rendition of Taxable Property” form for rendering your business personal property for the 2024 tax year.

• RENDERING PROPERTY IS MANDATORY. If you fail to render your business personal property, you will be liable for a penalty equal to 10% of the amount of property taxes ultimately imposed on the property. The penalty also applies if your rendition is filed late.

• You must file this rendition with the Appraisal District after January 1, 2024 and not later than April 15, 2024. If you need more time, you have the right to file a written request for an extension to May 15, 2024 and a further 15-day extension for good cause. Extension requests must be mailed on or before April 15, 2024.

• The information you provide in your rendition is confidential by law. The rendition must list the business personal property that you own(ed) on January 1, 2024. It must provide the property owner’s name, address and phone number and if applicable the name, address and phone number of the agent. The pre-printed label reflects information from the appraisal district’s data; correct any information that is incorrect.

• Business personal property includes items such as office furniture, fixtures and equipment, business vehicles and trailers, machinery and other types of equipment, inventory, supplies, work in progress, raw materials held for business purposes, special equipment and any other personal property that was owned by your business, leased, rented, consigned or loaned to you on January 1, 2024. If you use your business vehicle for both business and personal use, it may be exempt from taxation. Please contact this office for additional information.

If you no longer have your business, you must notify the Appraisal District or you can write across the front of the rendition “Business Closed” the date you closed your business; if applicable, when it was sold and the name of the new owner, sign and date it and return to this office.

If you have questions about business personal property taxation or about how to complete the forms, please call 361-798-4396 or visit our office at 908 North Glendale, in Hallettsville, Texas.

Pam Lathrop, RPA, RTA
Chief Appraiser
